Since 2018, UCT Surgical Society has been coordinating the Scrub Run - a fundraising event in which students volunteer to run in their medical scrubs in order to raise funds for The Children’s Hospital Trust at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital as part of the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon.
In previous years, the funds have gone towards the Weekend Waiting List Initiative. In 2020, the new Emergency Centre was an important focus of the Trust and Hospital’s work. Surg Soc felt that this was an important cause to support, as the Emergency Centre is the only dedicated paediatric emergency centre in Southern Africa and assists over 45 000 patients annually. We also saw just how important access to timelyemergency medical care is in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are truly grateful to all the runners, donors,supporters and sponsors who made this event possible. We are also grateful to the Children’s Hospital Trust,the department of Paediatric Surgery at Red Cross and the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon planning committee for their support and partnership.