1. Intercalated Molecular Medicine programme.
This program caters for the top academic achievers in the MBCHB degree. Students add a molecular medicine course to their third year coursework and subsequently take a year out of medicine between third and fourth year to pursue a Bsc Medical Science Honours degree in a basic science related topic in fields such as bioinformatics, medical genetics, neurophysiology, infectious diseases and immunology, biochemistry etc.
2. Research Protocol in your fourth year of medicine as part of the Health in Context Block
The UCT Public Health Department makes a concerted effort to introduce students to research by having them work collaboratively on projects with faculty supervisors.
3 The Special Studies Module
The SSM, although currently not running during COVID, was a way of introducing participants to an area of interest for a 4-week period during their third and fourth year of medical school with projects typically collected and offered by the course convenors.
4. Evidenced based healthcare programme
Integrated into your Internal Medicine blocks are literature appraisals to build familiarity with literature appraisal and reviews.
An evidenced based healthcare programme was piloted a few years back for this very reason.
Please see Evidence-based Healthcare Programme (uct.ac.za)
5. Electives
UCT offers students time in their final year to pursue areas of interest areas in electives→ one short and one long with one able to complete it anytime between fifth and sixth year.
These include research electives such as reviews, data capturing and Infectious diseases such as the HIV-Fogarty infectious diseases elective programme.
Please contact James Irlam for more information.
6.Undergraduate Research Day
This is typically run by the Faculty of Health Sciences as a platform for undergraduate students to present their in-course and extracurricular research projects.